As a HELM client you will receive your own personalised, fully hosted learning environment, including an integrated user management and reporting system. User assistance, technical support and system upgrades are provided as standard.
From a single care home to an NHS Trust our learning environments are used by healthcare providers across the UK and have successfully delivered over 1 million learning modules to healthcare staff. Our clients include Health Education England, NHS Trusts, medical schools and Royal Colleges.
Whether for CPD purposes or for internal reporting, the HELM learning environment awards personalised certificates for each completed module, clearly stating the learning objectives achieved. Certificates can also be enhanced with your organisation’s brand and logo.
The powerful HELM user management tool provides you with a real time overview of how your staff are performing, as well as the ability to generate deep and detailed user analytics and performance reports for internal monitoring through to CQC reports.
Determine how you want to assess your staff, from simple multiple choice questions to reflective learning diaries and evidence based activities. Assessments can be accepted automatically or flagged for approval by mentors and line managers.
The learning environment can be deployed across multiple sites within your organisation, allowing you to effectively control and monitor the delivery of training on a site by site basis. Managers can be assigned at both global and site levels to align with your current training processes.
"Switching our statutory and mandatory training to the HELM elearning modules, along with the ability to update the content ourselves, has meant that our Trust has been able to focus on quality training delivery. The resulting reduction in time taken to complete and assess elearning has saved our Trust over £1 million in the first year alone.
Saving time, not only helps us save money, but also means clinical staff have more time to deliver better quality, patient centered care."
ED THURLOW - Core Training Lead-
The Learning and Organisational Development Team
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
"We are delighted to be working in partnership with HELM to deliver bespoke e-learning modules to our stakeholders across the West Midlands. These are engaging and informative packages which take participants on a structured and fun learning journey whilst also valuing the importance of high quality education and training.
There are many benefits to be realised from using an e-learning approach including creating more time for staff to deliver excellent care to patients." Suzanne Harris - Exec Lead- Health Education West Midlands Local Delivery Partnership NHS Leadership Academy
Talent Management, OD and Corporate Affairs